0800 552 878       [email protected]
Commercial Gym/Studio Fitout

Functional Training Zone for Gyms

Commercial Gyms - Create a Zone

Need a point of difference for your gym?

We can advise gyms on setting up dedicated Functional Training Zone for personal trainers - all focused around Team or Small Group Training. By combining the right type of equipment, you can create a dynamic zone that generates maximum income - all day, every day! Gyms are realising that personal training is changing. Trainers want to generate maximum income, as efficiently as possible. If your gym doesn't support this, trainers are more likely to go off on their own - and set up their own functional training area. To avoid this, we offer consulting solutions for maximising the income of your trainers - and securing retention for you.

Interested in Learning More?

If you're interested in the concept of a Functional Training Zone for your gym - contact us today. We can advise you on square metre requirements and the best equipment to maximise income and training methods. Enquire below for a no-obligation quote or contact us for more information and to discuss your business plans NZ 0800 552 878 or Australia 1800 552 878.


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