0800 552 878       [email protected]
Commercial Gym/Studio Fitout

Corporate Training Zone

HQH Fitness - Experts in Corporate Fitness Solutions for your Business!

Improve staff health and wellness by implementing a Corporate Fitness Zone!

We can advise you on setting up an effective Corporate Fitness Zone for employees, including without, or with, a personal training contract model. By combining the right type of equipment, you can create a dynamic zone that improves the health and wellness of your employees, and reduces the added expenses of having staff that are unwell, and unproductive.

Now more than ever we need to be promoting health and wellness in our businesses, and doing what we can to support this need. To set up the most affordable and exciting Corporate Training Zone - and secure productivity for you, contact us today!

Enquire below for a no-obligation quote or contact us for more information and to discuss your business plans NZ 0800 552 878 or Australia 1800 552 878.


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