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Commercial Gym/Studio Fitout

Commercial Gym Fitouts

Commercial Gym Fitouts - The Future of Training

Commercial Gyms now need to offer much more than static machines that work in only one plane of motion.
Members are demanding more. Personal Trainers are demanding more.

With an increase in diverse training methods and the shift towards maximising each workout, a gym needs to consider functional training solutions for both the members - and the trainers.

While offering the highest quality stability tools such as the DuraBall Pro Swiss Ball and BOSU, we also offer more extensive equipment such as the Total Gym ELEVATE product line and other standard gym equipment including flooring.

Amongst our products, we have supplied major chains including:

Planet Fitness Australia
Les Mills New Zealand
Fitness First Australia
Virgin Active Australia
FreshStart Australia

We also supply a number of smaller commercial gyms.

Setup a wholesale purchasing option with our special wholesale prices available to exclusive selected facilities. You'll be surprised at the low-cost training options we can recommend for a successful facility.

Enquire below for a no-obligation quote or contact us for more information and to discuss your business plans NZ0800 552 878 or Australia 1800 552 878.


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