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 The Importance of ROI for your business...

We are now in a time when setting up a business is not as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Now you need to be savvy to survive. You have to know your point of difference, and how you'll get the best return on the equipment and products that you buy, with the space you have available.

This is why more and more fitness professionals are opting to go for a functional training studio over static single-plane machines. Functional = diversity + maximum use of space.

So when we're looking at ROI - what does this mean?

ROI stands for "Return On Investment".

Basically this means you are looking at how long it will take you to pay for your outlay (expenses in setting up your business) once your business is up and running.

Will you still be paying equipment off in 6 months? 12 months? 2 years? Longer?

When setting up a fitness business, this is an important key factor in making your equipment purchases.

Other factors to consider:

  • Does the product present longevity? - i.e. they won't present dated training methods in 2, 5 or 10 years.
  • Does the product offer diversity? - i.e. they offer a number of different exercise options with the one product
  • Can the product work for you? - i.e. they can be used un-supervised and offer extra income to your business

When we are consulting with studio or business setups, these are the key factors we address with our customers. From within our business, we offer solutions such as:

  • Gym/Studio Setups - maximising the space with functional products
  • Total Gym - offers resistance training for all body parts
  • Group Training Solutions - Circuits, Programs, Classes - maximising the numbers per session

In addition, we recommend an add-on product for increased income. These are one-off pieces of equipment that offer a point of difference and can be offered post-session for free, or via a booking system. Examples include:

  • Inversion Table
  • Vibration Plate
  • Foam Rollers
  • InfraRed Sauna
  • InfraRed Light

Think outside the square and you can maximise profits!

Why Total Gym is great for ROI

The reason we recommend Total Gym so strongly for studio setups is in part due to the ROI factor.In an age where debt is prevalent we recommend our customers to minimise their start up costs and be sensible about their purchasing options.

Total Gym offers great rewards. With complete education support, free online marketing tools, and for such a minimal investment, most of our customers pay off their equipment within the first 6 months simply using Total Gym. From there, they can gradually add other tools and equipment - and build up their business as they go.To help, we offer a free interactive Business Planner where you can work out your own ROI with Total Gym!

Read the full article on the HQH Fitness Blog. Click here to view.


So when purchasing equipment, be sure to consider your ROI...take the time to consider all the options available to you...and make the smartest decision that meets your needs.

If you are interested in discussing your equipment purchases and ROI, phone HQH Fitness on NZ 0800 552 8789 / Australia 1800 552 878 or use our Contact Us page to enquire and we will contact you for a free consultation via phone or Skype (whichever you prefer).

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