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Total Gym Get Galvanised Commercial Fitness ELEVATE | Single Station Training Pull-Up Trainer Silver

Total Gym Pull-Up Trainer Silver

The Total Gym Pull Up™ Trainer is built on an adjustable incline allowing users to select a percentage of their own bodyweight to pull. With seven incline levels to select from, this unique station rivals most lat machines by allowing users to lift anywhere from 35% to 65% of their own bodyweight. The incline design also permits the user to do a plyometric or one-arm pull-up and engages all the muscles of the upper body to efficiently and effectively enhance muscle definition and improve overall strength.

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Item #: 5800-01

Weight : 62.60 Kg

Benefits for the individual exerciser:

• Designed to successfully allow anyone to perform pull up using their own bodyweight
• Strengthens all the muscles of the upper body
• Seven incline levels allow users to progress from pulling as little as 30% of their own bodyweight up to 60%
• Enhanced functional performance of daily activities and increased athleticism
• Exercises can be progressed or regressed to accommodate all fitness levels
• Allows for plyometric movements

Training applications and biomechanics:

• Facilitates a proper pull up with assistance
• Offers four basic hand grip positions
• Closed-chain partial loading of the joints
• Restricted range of motion
• Train functionally, using only bodyweight
• Joint friendly, non-compressive
• Reliable tool for assessing upper body strength
• Progress users to full body weight pull ups

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