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GRAVITY Training GRAVITY Pilates Course

GRAVITY Pilates Course - 1 Day

GRAVITYPilates® Reformat Evolved

GRAVITYPilates® is an opportunity for fitness businesses to provide private, semi-private and large group Pilates classes to members.

The GRAVITYPilates Reformat Series™ offers the traditional Pilates mat and reformer repertoire coursework on the Total Gym incline trainer, as well as a revolutionary evolved blend of the two that challenges core strength, dynamic stability and coordination.

GRAVITYPilates® encompasses the methodological foundation of Pilates and biomechanical movement patterns to maximise participant outcomes through accurate instruction and programming.

Personal fitness trainers are continually seeking new and exciting programs to maintain and increase client participation while adding to their continued education, and GRAVITYPilates®provides the solution. 

We will work with you and/or your Team to deliver GRAVITY Pilates on-site or live online.

Next Course: Taking Expressions of Interest
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Item #: 6092-PIE

Weight : 1.00 Kg

$485.00 NZD

GRAVITYPilates®: Reformat Evolved Series introduces instructors to a combination of traditional and evolved Pilates mat and reformer movements and requires no accessories on the GTS unit. In addition to the Essentials, and Stage One, Two and Three training repertoires, you will learn how to introduce Pilates to invdividuals who may have no experience. This series presents an appealing introduction to the controlled resistance environment, with specific cueing for movement

This 8-hour course takes your Mat and/or Reformer Pilates certification to the next level as you learn the biomechanics of Pilates on the GTS®. Learn how to integrate principles of alignment, breath and core control with confidence and proficiency in an environment that can help your clients achieve success and personal esteem immediately. You will experience and apply Reformat Evolved repertoires; review the fundamentals of GRAVITYPilates; achieve an understanding of the GRAVITYPilates exercise principles of alignment, breath, and core control; and learn optimal class design and implementation.

At the end of this course, participants will be able to teach the Reformat Evolved repertoire and be introduced to additional GRAVITY programs.

Course includes:
GRAVITY Reformat Evolved Manual
GRAVITYInstructor™ Certificate on passing assessment (required for in-club training)

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